Alan .S. Jeeves

Cannabis Cool (A Nonsense Poem)

The night was red as from my bed

I tumbled to the sky.

The breeze was blue as I heard you

Around the garden fly.

The day was black as I stepped back

And felt a gum tree grow.

The rain dripped dry as only I

Would see a rooster crow.


I found my hat and stroked my cat

And led my sows to market.

I saw you say my snout was grey

So steered my car to park it.

I had to flee to Southend Sea

To drop off in the sands.

I went to view the voice of you,

I walked there on my hands.


I robbed a song of two words long

But coughed ~ it didn\'t rhyme.

Blame begged my heart to stop and start

For beating out of date.

You sailed about the room to shout,

And say less, all the more.

From then you came to scream your name,

You entered by the fire.


So as the day was turned to clay

I scrambled through the wall.

I dug a hill for Jack and Jill

And watched them upwards fall.

From deep within a box of gin

I spent an inch or so

I chanced a bite and thought I might

Smoke whiskey through a straw.


And as the time was now sublime

The postman called and bowed.

I washed my words and watched small birds

Pitch snowballs at a cloud.

So back in bed to nest my head

In time to bake a cake.

I fell into a dullness new,

There slumbered sound awake.