
Prime Numbers



These building blocks of all numbers

Defined as having but two divisors -Itself and one

While all other numbers are so called composites

Being the product of two or many primes

Except for the numbertwo, all primes are odd

Though the number one is not considered prime

The nature of primes is easily understood

But why and where they occur

Remains a mystery continuing to baffle

The most agile brains of mathematicians


Primes sprout at random like weeds within the number field

There is no clue or pattern to where the next will come

For centuries Man has searched in vain to find a formula

To find a pattern to predict where the next will strike

Euclid proved in 300BC that primes are infinite

His stunning proof is known as proof by contradiction

Where he assumes that occurring primes are finite

And then proves that this cannot be the case

They run forever to infinity

There is no largest prime