
Bird Feeding.

We were walking by My River,

My lover and I hand in hand,

Our love shining around us,

Floating over the shining water

For all to see .

There ahead of us stood a lady

Standing by the riverside

Surrounded by birds.

She was feeding them,

But not throwing the food into My River,

But all around her

On the grass.

She was surrounded by them,

The Canada Geese were there in force,

Black headed gulls were in abundance,

Often being chased away by the geese.

They flew into the air

But soon came back.

There were mallard and pigeons,

A delightful sight to see.

As they were being fed

The thought came to me,

I must try this,

Not throw the food into My River

But throw it around me

So that the birds come up to me

And we can enjoy each other’s company

With a closeness not had before.