Cheeky Missy

But Cust\'mer Service Demands A Smile

Don\'t ask; just do not still enquire: in pale
Excuse I am too weak to say.  Defense?
How robins\' voices in the black night\'s dense
Void call like morning\'s just in tow t\'avail. 
And sparrows now thin lights warms cry \"All Hail!\"
With cheerful notes. Whilst figures trudge from hence
Unto their jobs in lonely style, a sense
Of I maunt name what hangs oer lack of bail. 
She lied to me, just flat out lied. He\'d stir
Romance because his sister urges through 
The days that we match up.  And Robert\'d tour
Is it the countryside? Gone for not two
Days, but: a month.  Dawn hides her face as t\'were 
Cuz that\'s the tone.  Oh LORD, how I need You!