
Stones of Paradise or: You\'re Eating Grapefruit Wrong

 Do not peel back sunspot skin
 Like an orange or mandarin
 To disgrace the carmine queen
 With beige and abalone
 Nor should you dissect in two
 Then proceed to prod with spoon
 Mash monastic crystal
 To confectionery crude

 Imperative you temper haste
 So as not to flavor waste
 As her golden grace recedes
 A regal ruby blooms

 Give her a half a fortnight least
 Then with reverence like a priest
 Fetch the sharpest of your blades
 To boldly shape with skill

 Careful like a dwarven stone
 Shear and facet carve and hone
 \'Till the maroon mistress shine 
 As naked as the moon

 Then consume her liquid soul
 Greedy gulps of garnet gold 
 Her perfection unopposed
 The matriarch of fruit.