
Emmaus Explainings

Tune: Lancashire

(\'The day of resurrection\')

Luke 24 v.13-36 parts


On the road to Emmaus

Jesus appeared to us

So said two disciples, as they

Did see him on that day

They explained events to Him

In truth, no passing whim

He said, You foolish and slow

Now hearken and this know


You slow of heart to believe

And prophets words receive

Ought not Christ to have suffered

These things, they not deferred

And enter into His glory

And in the scriptures, see

He showed them things of Himself

Treasures of life and wealth


When they arrived, He then stayed

With them, a meal was made

He took bread, broke it, and they

Recognised Him that way

Then He vanished from their sight

Though causing pure delight

They said, Did not our hearts burn

As we did from Him learn?


They returned the same evening

And glad tidings did bring

To those at Jerusalem

Disciples, women, men

Saying, The Lord is risen

Indeed, hope for us then

And Jesus then did appear

Said, Peace to all you here