
In Harmony Together.

There I was once more

Walking by My River,

My lover and I hand in hand

Walking in harmony,

In harmony with My River.

But it was different,

The clear green water

Flowed passed so swiftly,

Its brown muddy state

So dirty and fast,

Nearly up to the top ,

The top of the bank.

It had been over the top,

Flooding the park.

It had subsided

And the park was back,

Back to its green swards.

The ducks and swans paddled,

Paddled on the side of the water,

The water being so fast,

So fast for them to swim against.

We walked along though

Enjoying the fresh air

And the glory of the countryside.

As we walked I knew,

Knew that all would be well

And My River would be back,

Back as usual,

Its wonderful clear green life

Showing me the way

As My Life went on forever

In the harmony of My River,

My Lover, and My Spirit.