Jeffery Lee Palmer



Your beauty is on full display

in the last image you sent to me

Your lips are enticing

Every second we are apart, I\'m dying

your fingers with pink nails Interwoven

Inside mine, one day, will have a diamond

sadly, that future is so far away

We try to avoid getting lost in dreams

Looking at the placement of your accessories

Your watch, bracelet, and necklace

places Ideal for my hands and lips.

I\'d take you away to a pretty country

with room service and the sunshine shining

It would be impossible for my eyes to stray

your entire being is all I need to see

with your hair behind your ear

I can get close and whisper

words that make your body warmer

Looking into your eyes to see the love

That no other woman could rise above

It would take time and many kisses

Before you search for white dresses

picking lace patterns

like the one on your shirt

and seeing your smile at the altar of a church.

These things I probably shouldn\'t say

As I have only spoken to you one day

But since you are going to read this

on your birthday

I wanted to give you something

I want you to know your special

Every pedal on these flowers

Is me saying you are beautiful

Because you are both inside and out

I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

-Jeffery Lee Palmer (Take Your Knife)