
The Shadows Were Back.

Into the theatre we went,

Found our seats,

Then onto the stage they came,

Three guitarists and a drummer.

They started playing the intro

And out came the singer,

And then it happened!

I was taken back to my youth,

Cliff and The Shadows were here,

Here again,

Taking me back to my teenage years.

That time in the sixties

Where life was wonderful

And the music majestic.

Such a wonderful evening,

Full of my younger times.

Everybody around me were the same,

Living back in there youth.

Looking arounds at the people

The average age of the audience

Was probably seventy years old,

But all of us felt we were there,

Back in the sixties,

Listening to those great sounds,

Those great sounds we had,

Sounds we had as teenagers.

Such a wonderful evening.