

Small mouth.

Serious small mouth.

Clean face.

No funny twisted grimace, beautiful small mouth.

He recognized me at once!

Why he should not!?

I asked the question so urgently needed to ask.

But before that he mentioned of his busy ‘’status’’- home office (as many).

I whispered something graciously obscene to him!

He stepped back showing an half smile!

I did the same.

He confirmed he enjoyed very much the poem – laughing silently.

Amused smile.

Tiny teeth I mirrored myself into.


Another funny obscene affirmation from me:

‘’Scan your jewel, J Swarovski’’


Pointing genuinely the finger towards him.

‘’Not fouling you’’!


Still amused.

We should make love.

One night stand or 1,2,3, night stands….

Correspond to one of my favourite Indian songs.

The small mouth was half serious then, he said then: ‘’See you’’! Finger up.


While going away …..I heard a strange sound from his throat,

that reminded  me of the moka espresso caffettiera in the morning.

To wake me up from dream or nightmare!

He made me so unconsciously sensual!?

Does he know!?