

I’m full of emptiness

So much so 

That I’m soon to explode

Then the lonely darkness will escape me 

None the less I won’t feel free

I’ll just be trapped in the black tar of my insecurity.

Feet bound up 

So I can’t run or escape the inner me


You saw me from afar and thought I was a beauty 

You thought I was your peace 

Until you got too close 

And you were trapped like me


I’m no peace 

I’m no relief from your journey

I’ve only learned to mask

So I’m not completely alone see


The sorrow builds up

Like a cloud in a storm 

It rains hate drops upon me


And when you leaned a bit to close

Your flame came with 
And ignited me

And now your stuck right next to me 

Going down in flames the likes of which

have never been seen 


The oxygen is siphoned
From around me 

And now your dying 
Just like me

With our eyes locked

You try to breath

But we will go down in our flames

In pain suffocating


I’m sooo sorry.