The cheer leader

We are the anointed one,

Hide with us from the wrath to come!


We have prophets 





In them

You\'ll find relief..


Now risen from the grave 

You no longer will be slaves..


We can tell you what to do..

With the blood

We drink anew..


Drink it down

A bitter pill

Great results 

When you have your fill..


Follow us

It\'s much more fun 

You can even take it

Up the bum..


With seven heads

And many crowns 

We can bring the people down..



From the start 

We rebirth 

The Ancient art..


He warned you 

It would be this way

If from His precepts 

You did stray.


I know that our time is short

And from the wheat the chaff is sort...


Burned with unquenchable 



But don\'t let on 

It\'s our desire..


We are master\'s of slavery 

With our permission 

You can take a pee..


The plan has been a little slow

Now in control 

We\'re on the go..


Infiltrated hearts and minds 

Blocked their ears and sent them blind..


Listen to what we say

We are the truth 

The life

The way..


The Deception isn\'t about to stop 

We\'ll have prophets talking rot..


They will fool all

But a few

The remant will know

Who is who.