
Heart Beats Fast

Walking left walking right oh where are you going 

Thinking straight thinking hard oh what are you thinking

Take a step back 

Let\'s see the happiness we blanked


Afternoons Afternoons sweet and tangy memories 

Days go on days go on but nights still intervene 

Oh what to do?

Can you let go that\'s isn\'t you ?


Water and fire water and fire and the clay  in between 

Shaky heads numbing feel  but still don\'t get it

Oh let go of the though 

You know it and that\'s enough for both


Fly away fly away let the wind catch you 

Don\'t be strained don\'t be strained the oh isn\'t out there 

It\'s us and me

those thousands shades that reflects my beams


Catch the strings cut the stings and live your life love

Don\'t be sad dont be mad we never knew it

No one ever knew...

So be kind and give her some groom
