Alexandre Landsley

One Page After Another

I am lost in the pages of my life
Which have been filled with ink from top to bottom
Sometimes, I swear I have it so hard
That I am banging my head against blank pages
With not enough spaces for me to jot it down
Man, I just have so much problems
And still that’s not even half of them
But why waste my time telling you
All the rubbish that I have been trough
With such pitiful words, I still would not be able to break it down for you
And let you know, what the weight of the world feels like on my shoulders
Tried to shake it off, but was almost crushed under
And not be able to share because no one really cares
No one, especially no real friend, really want to deal with such a burden
But I have found my way to ease my pain, words after words
Sentences stacked up on top of each other
I have let my pen bleed one page after another.