

He lives in his body

and sees with his eyes

Yet his mind is different

As large as the sky

He sits and he ponders

the What's and the Why's

He searches and searches

and yet never finds


His words creates  images

of people and places

But he never sees

the look  on their faces

He charms with his words

and beauty he seeks

Trying to forget 

the life ha has lived


He gives the impression

that he's full of wisdom

Yet shivers with doubts

of feelings he's kindled

He loves with his heart

and writes with his hand

His mind never stops,

thinking, for it can't


Outside he's a person

Just like you and I

He doesn't talk much

he reads between lines

He lives in his mind

among his illusions

Believing he'll find

his own life's conclusion


        EL AUTOR


El vive en su cuerps

observandolo todo

Pero es diferente

pues piensa a su modo

Se sienta a buscar

todas las respuestas

Adonde? y Por que?

a todo da vueltas


Con sus palabras viajamos

alrededor del mundo

 Pero el no ve el efecto

que causa tan profundo

Encanta con sus palabras

mientras el busca belleza

Tratando de que uno olvide

el mundo y sus tristeza

 El ama con su corazon

Escribe con su mano

pero su mente vaga

 para arriba y abajo

El da la impresion

de todo saberlo

pero la duda vive

,profunda en su pecho


Por fuera es una persona

corriente como tu y yo

Pero ha aprendido a escuchar

lo que no dice la voz

Buscando en su cabeza

entre sus ilusiones

Creyendo alli encontrar

de su vida, conclusiones