
Suicidal Tendencies

I regret to inform you,

That the hope is gone,

And im no longer myself,

I cannot hold on.

See this pain I feel,

Is just haunting me,

It never leaves for a second,

I just wish it would not be;

I just wish it wouldn’t end like this,

But my memories are tainted,

Tainted with darkness and hate.

And you can see through what ive painted,

Ive painted you a picture of all this pain,

And I know its sad, but it’s a cry,

A cry for help, as I desperately need it.

My life is in ruins, but I will try;

I will try to survive, to forget,

To overcome my sorrows, my disorder.

But its just not that simple,

There is just no order,

No order to the world we live in.

And I just cant take it no more,

It just feels as though I am a target,

A target for darkness, and there’s no cure.