
Humble: Written by L. Winters

  It’s appreciated by some, but not all can manage, To make a difference in ones personality, A personality that is remarkable an not mannish, Being rude for some, is more commonly than respect, Courteousness tends to always leave a pleasant effect, Pride has been plaguing so many, That when one approaches, With a humble and contrite heart, There’s a dullness of mannerism, And is at full swing, No form of a warming welcome, of common things, Humble, doing things that are, out of the ordinary for the most part, Especially in the eyes of the world, Rudeness is more common for the world, Due to the fact that it is a defense mechanism, To cover up the niceness or the true identity of ones heart, And how they feel at that point and time. As bad, as one might want, to react in a way, that one may have reacted in time past, One yet and still should hold your composure, due to the fact that the humble attributes that one posses In this different mind frame, gives one a different mind set in reacting, Differently than how one would normally react, the composure of one with a humble attribute, Is like no other, true enough it may have a display of softness, weakness, meekness, or Even intimidation but, it actually possesses a very powerful attribute, being able to control ones thoughts, Ones reactions, ones decision making at that very point and time no matter what the situation may be, No matter how the situation may look, it allows one to have those few extra seconds to think and respond, In a way that could actually change ones future, all based on a humble attribute, A humble way of thinking, A humble mind frame, A humble lifestyle, Humbly, bowing down before a God that is seen, But is not seen, Seen… in life all around, but is not seen in a physical and natural form, Because of the glory that is so powerful, One can only humble ones self in the presence of the Almighty, One is not humble when one acts or responds in a way that is rude, That is mean, That is vulgar, That is harsh, That is in a form that will hurt ones feelings, In a way that is showing a response to a threatening thought, Or a threatening statement, one is only humbled when one is empowered by a Inner Power, That is beyond the natural sense, Beyond the sense of one being able to understand, How one could be humble in such circumstances at that present time, The natural sense can’t comprehend how one can be yet and still humble in a crucial situation, The natural can’t comprehend how one can be humble in a unruly situation, When the situation is unfair, when the situation is being mistreated, when the situation has been violated, Disrespected, when the situation is out of control, The natural can’t understand, can’t comprehend, can’t recollect, can’t decipher, can’t determine, The humble attribute that one may possess, That makes that one that much more powerful, that one just that much more…. stronger, Being the stronger minded individual, wisdom knowledge and understanding is power, With a humble heart, one may accomplish many things, One may be able to be fully respected in certain circumstances, However, one will get recognized by the one that created the word, the meaning, the attribute of humble.