

Is it because of the pigment in my skin

that makes you look at my resamay again

Or is it the way one acts around their friends

maybe its my name I\'m not a Bobby,

Tommy, Turner, or Angela


Ima Sharnekia, Dashia, Tashaniquia 

Its not my lavish car, nor my million dollar house

its because of the pigment in my skin

that makes me black


its the pigment in my skin that makes less of a person

its the pigment in my skin that gets me more jail time 

its the pigment in my skin that separates me from the 

\"normal\" people 

 or is it my name that has you at halt 


its my name that says ima killa or ill steal

when you can be a John,Samantha, Brittney 

and steal just as much 


you would rather judge me on my pigment rather 

than my personalitly 

you would rather forth-put all these assumptions 

because ima Boniquia,Sharquekeshia,Tahanequekia

and im not a Bob, Brittney, Sara, Sammy

its my pigment that says ima steal when my personality

is more genuine and real.


-Taylor Davison