

Sitting here with distant future destinations at hand.

Waiting, watching my true love with so much despair.

Holding my breath waiting for the next beat of the lonely heart.

With a quest to find true love to heal inside.

Finding the heart clouded with empty feelings, dusted all over, turning hearts desire into despair.

Heart filled with so much love and no way to release.

So confused looking around listening to the deep darkness finding nothing to hear.

Heart so lost full of so much pain looking for a way to release.

Waiting, watching true love with feelings bottled up inside needing true love to heal.

Looking for ones true self to guide.

Wanting, waiting for ones true desire to rescue them from the pain.

Finding that desire and love have always been there.

Waiting, watching my true love with so much despair.

Guiding them pulling out of the darkness.

Heart filled with so much love waiting, watching true love.