
Black Like Me

I wonder...

If the white man, were black like me, would he see the world any differently?

If the white man, were black like me, how would he be? 

If the white man, were black like me, would he finally understand me?

If the white man, were black like me, would he fight as hard as me for basic human rights?

If the white man, were black like me, would he bare the judgment and prejudice faced due to his race?

If the white man, were black like me, then would black lives matter?

If the white man, were black like me, would his fate change?

If the white man, were black like me, would he be as strong as me?

What will it take, if the white man cannot be me, what will it take for the white man to understand me?

A race war, a genocide, another brutal homicide, what will it take for the white man to finally see, what it is like to be black, like me.