Hells Bells

In pieces I fall

To the Tundra far below me

To soak into the ancient soil

The re-kindling of my realms, both inner and surrounding

I spring forth from the ground,upright

My shiny buttocks fresh with vigor

Ready for a decent pounding

Taking in all of creation with no need for the barriers that tend to create singular suffocation

Teaching the lessons that I know to be true wisdom

Setting examples

Re-educating that beast that they call \"society\" as it tramples crudely over the living 

A blind fury

Everything twisted upside down because of that insistent little pain in the ass that sits in the back of our minds who never ceases to make us think that we are in a hurry

That ghost that lives in our heads that thinks its clairvoyant

Speaking fragmented truths that further rely upon the voice of their shadow

They all sit on the sidelines snacking on Cracker Jacks watching our race steadily declining as if its entertaining

Wasted time when the body remains idle

A clear gateway that lands us in puddles of impure idolatry

When the populace becomes shattered by egocentrics that are produced in mass proportions

The government that is the media that is reality

A convoluted, abstract tapestry that becomes a global veil that the upper echelon hides under, barking out dedications of blasphemy

Mother Nature, the root of all mortal sin

The mortality that bluntly escalated the punishment with its depth

Orchestrated by mindless puppets who sit around yanking their own foul strings

Tomorrow freedom rings the bells of what most consider to be taboo

The stroke of midnight  at every Watch Tower heard in one final moment

spent in the throngs of synchronicity

Now come all of the demons that fools have already enchanted

Wishes whispered upon the breath of chaos will, like all the others be eventually granted....

