
reduce stress at home and in workplace

It is part of daily life - STRESS

Yet if you accumulate or neglect, it becomes a medical condition mess.


Its negative effects are mental, emotional and physical.

In this BodyMind storm, if you stay sane, it’s a miracle.


You act from a fight, flight freeze mode.

That leads you to a wrong behavior road.


You do yoga, exercise and meditate,

Yet STRESS is still there, makes you frustrated as you contemplate.


Because physical , mental and emotional stress fuel each other,

You need to find an effective easy way to reduce it or it will smother.


After exploring  many effective ways

This is my conclusion I 100% praise:

Harmonic low sound  frequencies -Vibroacoustic Therapy

Investigate yourself and just ask me.


You lie on the mat, select  a single  frequency

You let go of stress daily, easily.


Adopt Vatting  as a preventive wellness platform to reduce stress,

At home, on the go, in school and in workplace.