
\"Thank You \"

You\'re clearly wanting something else , keeping pretty girls on the shelf, reaching up and taking them down,going through them like bottles of jack and crown. So wrapped up in your twisted thoughts, the green eyed girl who you\'ve always sought.. she lit up your dreams and changed your life until the second you opened your eyes. She\'s right there sleeping next to you..but you take advantage of her, your relationship a slew.. you spit your words cold and mean, you think you are the only being ? You see women as objects, bodies and toys, no feelings or thoughts,just some tits for you\'re joy. Just quiet your mouth and shut the fuck up, you\'d say this to me and I\'ve had enough. I\'m sick of the lies that you think you can hide, do you have any idea I\'ve been on this ride? I\'ve been here before, I\'ve had worse than you.. I\'ve fought with these boys till my face turned blue. I\'ve wasted my youth trying to get it right, screaming and crying in the dead of night. It\'s always left me empty inside these dizzying fights with no one to confide...no end in sight. But there is a light at the end of this train, chugging along fueled by pain. You may bat your eyes and kiss my cheek tell me all the pretty lies you speak. It\'s pointless now to even try, I\'m about to get off this ride. You\'ve had your fun and sang your song, grabbed my heart and pulled me along. Gave me no say, made me feel insane but now it\'s me who drives this train.
I stand taller now than ever before, picked up what\'s left of the pieces you tore. I glue them together with the love that\'s left my tattered heart that resides in my chest. It was once a hole that had no meaning but it\'s being with you that\'s helped me see... I will be okay, in fact better than before, never again I promised and swore. I\'ll love myself and never just jump, into the first arms I see, a doe eyed chump. I\'ll protect my heart and give my love ,to a deserving soul sweet but tough. Who ever tries to take my hand next, be forewarned I\'ve been through some shit. I\'m not easy to love, I\'m stubborn and rough my edges worn and my gaze is tough. But deep inside I\'m a little girl, with love so pure it\'s not of this world. I wanted so bad to just be normal, experiencing things that were dark and horrible. Innocence taken at such a young age, I\'m surprised I even know what love is.
But like I said before I\'ll be okay,I\'m stronger than most people my age. I\'m not saying I\'m cocky or know all the tricks, I\'m just learning from the punches and kicks.. when you live with Love as your golden rule, you learn that this is all that is true. No matter what I have been through.
So thank you.