
Awaited Proposal

Maybe the idea just might be a little crazy
The purpose isnt just to date me.
But Initially, Courting me to discover a chance of a future with you that we both can see, Maybe ???
Potentially, Could you Open your mind to that possibility?
Im desiring to be more than just a mans lady,
I want to hear more than just those words of, \"That\'s my baby!\"
I want a lifetime of love and longegevity
Because real Love Lives on forever like eternity,
With a solid foundation of stability.
Someone who understands you perspicaciously.
I want Him to look me in the windows of my soul,
Til I my Feelings become overwhelmingly out of control
As he holds my hands so clammy and cold
He says,  \"From the Crown of your head and beyond your beautiful soul
All i want is your heart to have and uphold.
Being as though you are a precious gift from God above,
Would you be so kind to me and share your precious love.
Would you do me a favor and honor me with monogamy?
With hopes of lasting a lifelong plus a century.
We can take the journey together hand and hand in holy matrimony.
Embracing the notion of compassion and devotion.
And with our hearts open as wide and as deep as the endeavors blue seas of the ocean.
Vowing Committingly,
In front of the Holy Trinity,
Our loved ones, the congregation and our Family
Promising to genuinely cherish thee
Loving all of thee, internally and externally
Wanting more than just to connect romantically
I plan to be,
More than just a mere fantasy
We will live in a place of ecstasy
While blossoming into a relationship where we can grow together spiritually.
In order for True love to to exist
We first must have God in the midst
Of all of this.
No longer will we separately coexist.
Im hoping that you understand and get the gist.
Because Im looking forward to you and I becoming one Combined.
Im looking Forward to our Souls to interlock and twist together morphing into one spirit intertwined.
For you are my Rib and I am your Spine.
We can become two Souls that Co-inside on one accord with God\'s word our heart and minds will align.
So will you please be mine
So we can love each other together forever and transcend until the end of time.\"

Too bad a love like this only exist in my mind.
Trapped in my thoughts and dreams like a prisoner who has been on in shackles and confined.
Just a daydream that allowed the  hallucination to grow into fabrication of my imagination.
With hopes that my mental creation would some day become a manifestation.
The Lord knows the desires of my heart that Im craving.
So Dear Love I am standing here waiting.
Trusting Gods Perfect Timing so I will be patience.