
A Blind Society


I don’t see how we can avoid the obvious

behind our cloaks of invisibility

we hide from the truth.

black people are being shot

people are shooting back

 We pretend that one race is bad

that’s not true

 we hide the truth

bad apples come from every tree

the civilian tree

 the lawyer tree

the cop tree

 the adolescent tree

 and it continues

we see things in black and white

but our world is full of colors

 I don’t see how we pretend

 that “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

 I don’t understand

 how we let kids these day run free

 don’t teach them responsibility,

 to be sympathetic,



There is something being lost

 Some for the best and other for the worst.

 We have cyber relationships

cyber friends

if our feelings are hurt we post about it online for all to see

 three-minute temper tantrums

that will never go away

our minds

our memories

 We live in a blind society

 that I don’t really understand

with lines so blurred

will you open your eyes

to see all the colors outside