

I\'m falling apart

And no one can see it


I\'ve mastered the smile

The look of ease

Like I have no problems in the world.


The only thing that could give me away

Is the blood

Seeping through

Dripping on the outside

Of my jeans

Of my sleeves.


Everyone is so trained to


The blood

That doesn\'t just stain…

It drips.


And yet

No one even notices.


It\'s the only sign

That I\'m not okay.


That all of the words

They hurt.


That every action just confirms

My existence

As a toy

Solely for pleasing others.


I learned

Long ago

That no one cared

About me.


So why does that hurt so much



Why should I be surprised

That I\'m imploding?


Why should I be surprised

That no one sees it?