
Writing is a curse?

To paint a picture with words

To express what occurs

When we feel love

Is a gift from above


And yet it’s not

If we think about it a lot

It drives us crazy

Makes a hazy


Cloud of confusion

If there’s no fusion

Between our thought

And the way we talk


When we’re trying to connect

With people we want to protect

The people we love tense

They put up a fence


When we can’t express

That we love them no less

Than from here to the moon

It sounds like a bad tune


People will leave

While we seethe

We didn’t know what to say

Before they walked away


Because words are hard

They leave us scarred

Full of pain

Like an acid rain


They pierce like a knife

Laced with strife

And so we bleed

Our agony freed


But as it begins to clot

The feelings just stop

They’re trapped with no flow

No where to go


So we write

Write to make it right

Because sometimes when we’re alone

We’re more prone


To our walls breaking down

So we cry but make no sound

Through our pen and paper

The only way to taper


The walls

They fall

And so we feel

Our skin peels


Leaving what we are

No matter how scarred

Sometimes rhymes and profanity

Are the only way to maintain our sanity


To remind us that we are all one

Yet uniformity has been undone

That we are all beautiful in our own way

That none of us are perfect, and that’s okay