

You are the owner of your universe

You control what goes into you, not so much of what comes out

You make decisions, some good and some bad

The choice is yours

To walk through the minefield that is life

Step by step

Talking blows all the way

Bullets that break your heart, eyes red with tears

Body destroyed from distrust and sadness

Do you keep walking? 

No one told you it\'d be this hard

You V.S. the world isn\'t a fair fight

It\'s your choice to make 

Giving up isn\'t an option they say

However, that\'s not their right to say

What is giving up to you? 

Not the same as there\'s I\'m sure

So sit down and think

Think very carefully

Decide....pick which road to walk

It\'s a new year

Renew your resolve or walk away 

The choice is yours....