Aa Harvey

Shooting angels

Shooting angels



I hate myself and want to die.

I love my life – that is a lie.

I’m shooting angels to get to sleep at night.

There is something lost inside of me; it is my fight.



She stands in front of me,

Shining like an epiphany;

But I have nothing left to feel

And she can no longer talk to me.



As we break up because we have both had enough,

I realise that God and his angels are not here to give me love.

Suicide crosses my mind and I know now love is just a hoax;

Your God has already brought into existence one too many ghosts.



You can ask God to send you another angel to save the day

And you can ask for Heaven to be seen.

You can scream loud, let me be able to see!

But you can’t give up on your dreams.



Love is endless to God up above;

His angels do his good deeds,

But they are never enough.



You can watch a star shooting through the sky

And claim that it is sent from God.

You can pray not to die and to become a star yourself,

But you can never have enough love.



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.