
This Kiss

It was a kiss

but not a normal kiss

this one left me pained 

but even relieved

I knew it was wrong

I knew I would regret it

but every time I walked away

the kiss beckoned me back

I don\'t know why it happened

I don\'t even know when it started

all I knew was

if I felt bad

this kiss would help me

Most kisses are soft and delicate

but this one was hard and demanding

demanding that I come back every time I hurt 

demanding that every time I thought it was over

i had to return back to the kiss

Most people are in love when they kiss

but this kiss was out of complete hatred 

hatred for myself, hatred for what I let happen, 

and hatred for knowing nobody could help me

This kiss

alluring, yet dangerous

left me playing a dangerous game with myself

wondering when the next kiss would be

wondering when I would feel joy, yet pain

The kiss of cold hard steel 

is not easily forgettable 

This kiss leaves scars that you never want to show

it leaves memories that you never want to think of again

This kiss was deadly

But this kiss