

Eyes as dark as night,

a heart set to match.

Two different paths

destined to collide, crash


with a bang.

Everything goes black,

everything is different.

It can’t go back


to being the same.

It can’t be fixed

without seeing the cracks,

without hearing the facts


of what was said,

of what was done.

Everyone screams,

everyone runs


from the scene,

from the mess

that everyone took part in.

Creating the picture, creating the sin


in which a life was ruined.

A life was set to a close.

Nothing can be said

as the defendant rose


to their feet

before the crowd.

Their head bows.

Their parents must be proud


of the used to be star,

with the used to be dreams,

and the used to be hopes

given into the schemes


that hung the rope

around their throat,

around their life.

They slowly die


with their arms by their side,

with their head bowed, silent.

Screaming with fear on the inside.

And then they cried


the tears I had already cried

a thousand and one too many times,

before sending a fuck you to the wind

waiting on my new life to begin.