

We all bear our scars and just because they aren\'t visible doesn\'t mean that they aren\'t there


The scars fade, the memories don\'t


It\'s an on going battle

It\'s a constant struggle

It\'s a war that never ends


It\'s a sweet escape

It gets me lost in my own high as I glide into temporary paradise

Power is such forbidden aphrodisiac when it pumps through the veins and the more you intake; the more less reality seems fake


As my adrenaline starts to race


A sliver of the razor\'s lash strikes out on my flesh leaving behind a red trail

As tears baptize the red pool dripping in rivers spreading in its wake

For each possession of power taken, a balance must be made and if it must be in done by blood - so shall it be!


I can only lie!

No one understands

No one ever will!

The guilt is buried deep

Yet still dictates my life

The curse of sown and reaped

The emblem of my strife

Every cut shows pain,

Every scar has a story


Am I closer to freedom or death by mistake?


As I close my eyes, I am air as my soul glides like silk through the pulsing night temporarily leaving its host down on Earth and as darkness cloaks my vision, I dream of when I was innocent and young.......


After being beaten and battered by Mother Nature and eyes exposed to the naked truth of how ugly humanity can be - the girl died and in her place was a shadow of her past life drifting on by......


Je ne souhaite pas être jugé, je souhaite seulement quelqu\'un comprendre

Je ne devrais pas être en vie, mais je suis heureux que je suis