



It has a name

It has a meaning

Just words I thought

No understanding

no empathy

No clue why addiction takes hold of every ounce of self control and self respect

Isolating the living sole which usually has control

You give so much to feed this hungry beast called ADDICTION

Sucking the life out of the human form

I watch you drift off Into oblivion

A world apart from the one your on

You hide away

Your body looking Tired

Too frightened to ask where your going

To tired to panic but too anxious not to care

I love you too much not to care

You get cross with me and don\'t remember why

I ask more questions and still it doesn\'t settle my worried mind

You pick up the beast and breath him in

You stand

Your eyes all dazed

Your the opposite of the one I love

The man I hold dear

The man who\'s my hero

I still see the beast

He\'s lurking waiting to leap at me

If I let him....

Ive been tempted to take hold of the beast and breath him in


I can\'t lie I have....

He looks at you and pulls you closer

I try to hold you tight

So tight to hold us all together

A unit

A binding love ❤️

I want to control and kick this beast away

He has my love

My man

My best friend

My sole mate

I want him back.... He\'s mine not yours