
The Man On the Edge

Hey Look at that man up there,

On the edge of that bridge,

teetering on the edge,

backwards and forwards,

one more weight on his shoulders just to tip him over the edge,

its ok, believe in yourself,

everyone has problems, get over yourself,

the first comments are as good as the last,


you sit there saying its all in my head,

that I have nothing to be sad about,

people have it worse than me,

the sad thing is your right, the sad thing is it makes it all the worse,


what gives me the right,

 with everyone who loves me,

everything I have,

why do I get to feel sorry for myself,


how dare you take them tablets,

how dare you mark your skin,

how dare you think you have it hard,

how dare you think of yourself,

how dare you not think about us,

how dare you take the pain away


you’re a coward,

your selfish,

you’re a disgrace,

you are nothing,