

I know I should be thinking of her,
But all I can think about is you.
I chose to be with her
But I think it\'s just because I miss you
When people ask me what my paradise would be,
The first thing that comes to my head is you.
You and I on a beach, walking along the shore at sunset
That\'s my paradise
Anywhere with you would be my paradise.

The attention that you sought, I was willing to give you.
You let me smother you with all my love, until that day.
February 23, 2017.
The day before our opening performance, you ruined my life
You told them of my attraction to you,
And laughed when tears streamed down my face
You told lies and spread rumors about me.
I attempted retaliation.

On February 13th, 11:47 pm, you broke my heart.
You told me \"just because someone loves you, doesn\'t mean you have to love them back\".
I never asked for your love.
I wanted you to know how much I loved you
Any normal time you would love the attention,
But this time you didn\'t accept it.
So I couldn\'t talk to you, I didn\'t have the nerve.


March 17th,
Festival came, partners were set ahead of time
You picked me
Out of all of them,
You wanted me
I\'ve always been the last pick
But this time, you chose me first