Joshua Harrison

The Stereotypical Escapist

Though stress and depression are chronically mocked,

I feel like a gun aimed at me has been loaded then cocked.

The outrage inside is so much to bare,

That paper is my aid and only it seems to care.

My friends they mock, their minds unburdened,

While I think and my mind screams its words are uncertain.

I am surrounded by idiots \'cept for a few,

Though for the rest of the youth this statement is true.

The infection of stupidity has spread beyond our towns,

The modern world is a circus overflowing with clowns.

I wish to speak with adults however mature as they are,

They show no excitement and so I watch from afar.

As the youth grow thick and awfully round,

While the adults grow depressed and count every pound.

The more I hurt, the longer I write,

Then, as I close my eyes for the night

A vision of freedom enters my eyes

But as shadows fade I discover it\'s lies.

On Earth lies no freedom, no sanctuary from greed.

Good job, house, sex life.

That, now, is our creed.

So stand back and watch as all the good die young,

Leaving clowns running the circus, and into chaos we\'re flung.

But that doesn\'t matter oh that\'s small news,

\'Cause I put a selfie on insta and it\'s had 1000 views!\'

I read to escape this twisted dimension,

Where the elderly are only cared for if they have a good pension.

I play games to live in a land where I matter somewhat,

Where maidens are beautiful not \'fit\', \'sexy\' or \'hot\'.

Goodnight I say to all that read and close my eyes and begin to dream of a different world much better than this,

Where 14 year olds don\'t do more than kiss. 

The world in which we live is like a twisted fiction,

Where children are shunned for having better diction.

Where governments are hated,

Rappers are praised,

As the youth don\'t have a care how their youth are raised.

Well goodnight I say and await my sleep,

I leave this world where people weep.

Enter a fantasy more realistic it would seem, 

As an intelligent person wishes to never leave his dream...