

where can I go, and what can I do? All I need is to get away from you. Trying to escape before I wind up cold and dead, but for every step I take, it seems you\'re always two ahead!

Thought I snuffed you out, you flared right back up again. Foolish as I was, welcomed you as an old friend. Painfully aware of the attraction we share, no consolation knowing of your ill affair. Killing families without a care, each passing year leaves ever more ensnared!


 BURNING! Putrid smoke it fills my lungs!

SNUFFING! Stay with me, I\'ll become

NOTHING! All the good for me you\'ve done!

Ashes crumble into dust, I still can\'t shake my evil lust. Huge corporations market death! Just spark the flame, draw sinful breath. We all see how wrong this is! We see each and every kill. It\'s just too bad morality isn\'t paying camel\'s bills!