
Communing Contemplations

Fits tune: Leibster Jesu

(\'Dearest Jesu, we are here\')

Based on 1 Corinthians 11 v.23ff


When at supper Jesus took

Bread, disciples did upon look

In the upper room gathered

They assembled, and His words heard

Take and eat this bread, my body

My life given, broken, here see


Broken here for you, partake

Do this when you meet, not forsake

Eat in remembrance of me

He would give His life on the tree

For you and for many, bidden

Mysteries revealed, not hidden


And too shared the cup of wine

Would be His new testament fine

His blood poured out, all to drink

We do ponder, and on it think

Drink in remembrance of me

Jesus\' passion here foretold, see


So search heart, mind, prepare fine

When sharing this meal of bread, wine

For \'tis no mean fare, no dearth

But of value, meaning, great worth

Each time bread, wine, taken, symbols

The Lord\'s death consciously recalls


Holy gifts, our salvation

Assured for each people, nation

Accept invite plain, receive

Confidence in Christ find, believe

Christ who died, who rose again sure

We praise Him who lives now e\'ermore