Ant Farm

The signal

Sent up from the epicenter

Shaking Chinese playgrounds, turned into graveyards

The news anchors voices drone on and on

Each syllable becoming the next tragic fact that rings the bells of hope within everyone who still truly lives within their shells

All of the tortoises and the hares that have been chosen to run the final race across a land filled with brutality and subterfuge

Co-created with all of the vagrants that we were once forced to share our space with

Gone off, now, to Never-Never Land to find the truth behind the falsities that they have always preached about to any ear that happened to be bored enough to listen

The Sun\'s discouraged rays glisten off the bodies of the ships that often freckle the skies

Dancing through the very air that covets them

To and fro

Zigzagging masterpieces

High above the zombies that clamber across what remains of our land

God must frown down upon this picture of beauty that we have turned into an ant farm

Studied time and time throughout history

Here and there

The sightings

The stories

The footage caught on the film reels that are held by the Mexican Government with members that have always been open in regard to an expose

Perhaps just one more unfounded reason for the Border Patrol to make uncivilized law a living reality

The white Euro-trash who all agree with nothing but boundaries

Even though they can  see clearly on their radars their karmic boomerang coming back around the bend...
