John Snowdon

Daydream Lies


The sunrise sighs that daydreams lie, before finally fading from sight,


Still everywhere the shadows fare far better on driftless nights.


Yet you linger near like yester-year, some phantom presences still carrying on,


And has led astray and chipped away at what was right, which somehow now is wrong.


Or when the snow of white which caught the light, on a distant mountain peak


Hid the winter clouds who sang out loud, a farewell waits with ever greet.


But who am I to question why, these torrent motives betray that faithful day


Like when the howling winds which made us cringe, finally snatched all warmth away.


So on to you as lovers do, when the lifeless lessons have led us by from by,


For they’ll come a time in a nursery rhyme, when they shall warn of you and I.