
His Breath

Late is the night as I sit by the edge of the bed. 

Moon light shining through.

Wind dancing within the trees. 

Feet curl as the blanket falls off. 

His breathing so gentle, so alive.

Slows down when he\'s having a good dream, I presume. 

Love that I have for you grows every second of the day. 

I come close listen to the beating drums of your heart. 

Sweet sound. 

Eight years ago I heard the melody of what will be your life. 

Filled with everything thing you. 

You are a wish come true. 


Unbelievably kind





Sweet boy, baby boy, mommy will always love you.  

The warmth of your smile fills my soul. 

You are my greatest gift. 

I am nothing but thankful to you for keeping me busy.  

A busy mom is a fulfilled mom. 

Julian, God was good to me when you entered my life. 

I love you, to the furthest possible planet, as you\'d say.