
The Sound

I think I hear something, a slow and painful sound.
A sound so deep in tone and so loud in my ears.
A sound that no one else seems to notice.
A sound that I have yet to find its source.
A sound that I\'m sure will end soon.
A sound....

Thump-thump.....thump-thump.......... thump-thump................ thump-thump.......................

Each time the sound gets softer.
Each time the sound gets farther and father apart.
Each time the sound hurts my chest. But each time the pain eases.


Slower and slower.
Farther and farther apart.
Each time.
It\'s in my chest...


The sound is no longer in my ears only a ringing...... and now silence..

The sound was my heart..... it no longer hurts, it no longer makes a sound... it no longer beats.

It is finally still...