Lizzy Renee

Taken From Me

There has been a lot taken from me,

My friends, my home,

It would make me feel alone.

But I walk through these things,

Like I walk through air,

The only things that should stop me,

Is Good News.

News about laughter,

and kindness.

Although these things have been taken from me,

I don\'t care.

One thing takes and leaves nothing to spare.


The 6 letter word that dooms a person for life.

My Aunt.

A sweet, tender, person,

whom everyone wants to meet.

Has been doomed since she was 17.

No matter what her life was like,

she cared only about others.

Instead of asking for prayer,

she would ask for prayer for the little boy in the hospital room next door.

Now, at the age 35,

she asked to go to a place,

a place where people go to die.


There she died,

with a blood clot in her left lung,

her life taken,

so very young.

All the things that never really held me down,

Is drowning me in a ocean of sadness.

First my Great grandfather, taken by cancer,

then my great grandmother,

then my dad\'s grandma and granddad,

and now my aunt.

When will cancer come to an end?!?

The Wicked world,

the wicked diseases.

In the ocean of sadness I am drowning in,

I am calling \"Help!\" to that still, small voice.

The voice that spoke to me before this mess,

That kept me urging forward.

Where has it gone?

Has it drowned in the chaos of sadness?

No, it was here all the time,

Bringing peace to whomever asks of it.