Fay Slimm.






Foaming with wildness 
white banks of turbulence.
Racing up beachward,
an ocean unloads.

Boisterous motion,
bouncing with fervour.
Explosions discharging
as froth overflows.

Seized with a madness,
sea spitting pebbles.
Sand and weed shaken
like rats in the air.
Tumbling excitement 
breakers rise restless.
Desperately try flinging
drops from their hair.

Wind-force increasing,
boats now are harboured.
Diving, brave seagulls
dip nearer the waves.
Bowl of sky empties,
clouds drifting starboard.
Wet-coloured mist
mixes water with greys.

As tides on this coast 
are known for implosion
dicing no more 
with risk homeward I go.