You’re so perfect
It drives me insane
Pulled your heart from your chest
But never threw a hateful word at me
I ignored you and let cruelty drip from my gaze
But you never did the same
But my actions a delusion
That I regret now
My old enemy perfection turned me into a monster
That you never feard
Though I could see pain in your eyes you were always so damn kind
So here we are again
I screwed up
We both know that’s true
I screwed up by convincing myself I had ever stopped falling for you
Once again you\'re so damn kind
The guilt you make me feel provokes the rewind
And as I watch you from across the room
All I can think is how much I wish I could go back
And prevent all of this form ever happening
I wish I could know the thoughts flying through your mind
I wish I could see myself in your eyes
Maybe then I would know what to do
Maybe then I could work up the courage to go talk to you
I fear that behind the kindness you know well enough to show
You only have a hatred for me that grows and grows
And I wish that wolf never howled at the moon
Telling you all my secret feelings for you
Because the space between us is like a void
Bleeding with uncertainty and words that go unsaid
A void that I feel we\'re drowning in
I’m so incredibly sorry I made this mess
I wish I could tell you this
But I don’t even know if you want to hear it
And I’m so damn angry
Angry at you for all the wrong reasons
I’m angry you were right
And I’m mad that you’re so incredible
Ticked by your mixed signals
And enraged by my own selfish, immature, stupidity
And after almost a year of distance
A time of callous cruelty
I finally tried to talk to you
And instead of being angry
Instead of loathing me like you should
You are just so damn kind to me