Poetic Dan

A song may say it better?

All my suffering is coming to an end
Stumbled and fallen from the beginning
Pushing past the experience of my own
Seeing there\'s far worse in this world
Some left to starve others fighting wars
Greed separating the families hearts

This overwhelming sense to see no more
Now one mind making his very own flow
Knowing this change is in front of me
With my hands I can create many things
Undo others work or continue to build

I will show to my seeds, generosity is the key
There is no need for any arms to bread insecurities
True power comes from no external force
It comes from knowing your self as one
Everything is happening perfectly well
In every generation inspired to heal

Until then it will be on repeat
Waiting for manifesting in sync

I\'ve put all my faith into myself
Knowing we are all connected
So now it\'s in a reflection
Of everything else

Let\'s not wait for better
We can make it now