
Co-operating Church

Tune: Solothurn

(\'Now let us from this table rise\')

Acts 2 v.42-47


The early church, they continued

Together, were daily renewed

Sharing steadfastly day by day

Following Christ the Life, Truth, Way


Continuing in apostles\'

Teaching, hearing the Lord\'s sure calls

And in fellowship, friendship dear

The presence of the Spirit here


And in breaking of bread and prayers

Sharing joys, sorrows, loves, and cares

Godly fear came on every soul

The Lord did work and make them whole


Many wonders and signs were done

Through the apostles, e\'en each one

All that believed were together

Had all things common, all did share


They sold their goods and possessions

Distributed to needy ones

Continued daily, one accord

Aligning to the living word


They daily met in the temple

Broke bread from house to house, they all

Did eat their food with true gladness

in singleness of heart did bless


Praising God and having favour

With all the people who were there

And the Lord to the church added

Daily church as were being saved