
I cut myself today

I cut myself today

I cut myself today no I’m not looking for sympathy and attention isn’t what I’m seeking I’m just in a lot of pain.

I cut myself today cause once again mommy made me feel worthless today cause I’m too fat or not pretty enough but she said she was just playing so I guess that makes it okay.

I cut myself today it felt different it really hurt this time I got tears in my eyes and blood stains on my wrist I didn’t want to do it but the voices in my head made it okay.

I cut myself today I prayed to god but he didn’t answer I texted my bestie to talk about it but she didn’t answer either.

I cut myself today but i guess I went to sleep cause there’s blood everywhere how do I explain this to my mom she’s gonna be so pissed at me.

I cut myself today but this is the last time I’ll ever do it the razor can’t hurt me anymore cause mommy finally lowered me into the ground today.