Abu Aeesh

A Message From the Past

To August 2nd, 2018. To a year-from-now-version me. It\'s sound scary, I know because I know you. Scary because the days keep dancing without ever repeating their steps. Tangling every life caught in their absorbed motions. Remember, your life fades with every passing day until you\'re no more. 

Dear Aug 2018, I won\'t say much but I do hope you can retrace my train of thought. If you retrace it.. when you retrace it, review the little I did, the little I gave, and answer the questions I asked today. However, if this message doesn\'t get to you, it means the inevitable has happened. May you rest in peace and may Allah have mercy on us. I implore my dear reader to forgive me if I have ever wronged you. 

Yours sincerely,

 Abu A\'ish Mk Albani alias Aug 2nd 2017