How can I move on ?
How can I move on when everything is a reminder.
A reminder of you giving yourself to someone that wasn\'t me.
How can I move on when you hurt me at my weakest.
When you know you\'re my weakness.
How can I move on when I lost myself completely?
I can\'t seem to find the girl I once was.
That girl you fell inlove with, she isn\'t here anymore
How can I move on when I know we aren\'t ourselves anymore?
We aren\'t the young playful couple we once were.
How can I move on not hating myself any longer?
Hating myself for what you did.
How can I move on and let us be us again.
The us that would always put 50/50 and always come out with 100.
How can we be that again?
How can I move on knowing we may never be that again?